ABSS Payroll v9.1

4 statutory compliance updates:

  1. EIS Autopay Text File
    As required by PERKESO statutory regulation, employer must report their Employment Insurance
    Scheme (SIP) collections no later than the 15th of the following month for every payroll
    processing period.
    Employer can perform the monthly submission by uploading the text file which
    contains the total contributions in the ASSIST Portal prepared by PERKESO.
    The following is the text output file format for EIS submissions:

    S No Field name (EN) Length Position Data type Mandatory (Y/N) Remarks
    1 Employer Code 12 1-12 Alphanumeric Y Verify employer code using check digit checking. Left justified
    2 MyCoID/SSM Number 20 13-32 Alphanumeric N ROB, ROC. Left justified
    3 ID Number 12 33-44 Alphanumeric Y Old and new IC number. Military number, police number, social security number (SSN). Left justified
    4 Employee Name 150 45-194 Alphanumeric Y Name of employee as per employer submitted. Left justified
    5 Month Contribution 6 195-200 Numeric Y Contribution month. (MMYYYY) Month due cannot be advanced date, ex. Month due for Jan 2018 payment date cannot be before Jan 2018
    6 Contribution Amount 14 201-214 Numeric Y Ringgit amount (ie. In cents, no decimal point) Right justified
    7 Employment Date 8 215-222 Numeric Y Employment start or end date (DDMMYYYY) for employee who joined/resigned/died that month
    8 Employment Status 1 223-223 Alphanumeric N Status of the Employee:
    B (Pekerja Baru),
    H (Berhenti),
    M (Meninggal Dunia),
    S (Cuti Sakit dalam tempoh
    menerima faedah Perkeso),
    T (Cuti tanpa gaji)

    In ABSS Payroll v9.1, users are able to see “EIS (Lampiran 1)” option under Reports > Autopay menu:

  2. EIS option in Fortnightly payroll interval
    New EIS option has been added to Fortnightly payroll interval setup, user can now choose to
    calculate EIS in 1st Half or 2nd Half of the payrun.
  3. YTD EIS accumulated balance in pay run
    User can also view the Year To Date accumulated EIS amount during process pay run:
  4. EIS New Employer Contribution Form (Borang SIP 1)
    For new Employer who does not contribute to SOCSO before, it is compulsory for employer to
    register for EIS contribution by submitting the form EIS (Borang SIP 1).
    The blank excel format Borang SIP1 in release v9.0 is now replaced with system generated format.
    Employer is required to fill up the additional company details in Company Information windows:
    Employer can then generate the Borang SIP 1 & SIP 2 under Reports > Form menu

Other Updates:

  • Payslip “Contemporary (1 per page)” format – minor update on label of the EIS summary total for
    employer contribution: “YTD Employer EIS”.
  • Payroll Register Summary report – enlarged field length for EIS grand total amount.

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